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Institute for Competition Law

Founded in 2013, the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Law (IKartR) is dedicated to research, teaching, training and further education in the field of competition law. The research focuses on the German, European and international foundations of competition law, but also takes the adjacent commercial law areas as well as the contact points to neighbouring disciplines into view. A particular interest lies on the interplay between competition law and economics.

The Institute for Competition Law aims to further the interaction between academia and practice. A close cooperation with practitioners secures training and further education and supports the advancement of young academics. For this purpose, the Institute for Competition Law in cooperation with the Center for Business and Corporate Law organizes the Corporate Law Forum (Forum Unternehmensrecht) and, under its sole responsibility, the “Düsseldorfer Gesprächskreis Kartellrecht”, a closed shop discussion group on competition law. Renowned representatives from jurisprudence and private practice report and comment on current competition law issues and engage in discussions with the other participants. Through these events as well as through publications and conferences the Institute intends to contribute to the academic discussion in the field of competition law.